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Jessica Menjivar

Drawn to Regis

Jessica Menjivar thought she knew what she wanted. Then she discovered Regis and found a community to fall in love with. There's a common refrain when it comes to the undergraduate student's college search: "I want to go far away from home." That's how it was for Jessica, a Colorado native.

"I became interested because of Regis' background as a Jesuit Catholic institution, and once I got a glimpse of what life was like at the school — thanks to Basecamp Regis — I was sold. Making that discovery was an eye-opening moment because I really wanted to go to other schools out of state, but once I attended the Regis Basecamp program, I thought, 'This feels like home, it's just so right.'"

In fact, she says, "Regis wasn't initially on my radar." But once she got a glimpse of a Regis education with the help of an immersive experience, she was a Ranger for life.

Jessica Menjivar thought she knew what she wanted. Then she discovered Regis and found a community to fall in love with. There's a common refrain when it comes to the undergraduate student's college search: "I want to go far away from home." That's how it was for Jessica, a Colorado native.

In fact, she says, "Regis wasn't initially on my radar." But once she got a glimpse of a Regis education with the help of an immersive experience, she was a Ranger for life.

Jessica Menjivar

How Regis Transformed her Worldview

Through Basecamp Regis, Jessica got the opportunity to attend a mock class, meet current students and get firsthand experience regarding student life. She was immediately hooked and went on to become a full-time student.

“I had a truly transformative experience. By the time I graduated in 2019 with a B.S. Business Administration degree, I had an education filled with courses that delved into complex ideas and discussions that impacted how I see the world. It wasn't just about understanding what teachers wanted me to — it was about being in an environment where my teachers and I could have passionate, in-depth discussions together about the coursework, but also about how to be ethical in business, how to care and how to do the right thing."

Jessica Menjivar

The Meaning of a Jesuit Catholic Education

The strong ideas that make up the backbone of a Jesuit Catholic education are present in every step of the academic journey, and that really helped expand Jessica’s understanding of how business relates to the world around her.

“There's a term in Jesuit Catholic education, cura personalis, which is ‘care for the whole person,' but it wasn't just for yourself, it was also about caring for other people. It was always more than just your education; it was how can you be a good person in this world? How can you seek your responsibility in this world? And changing it, bettering society through reflection, so that was very valuable to me."

Building a Career in Service to Others

The Business Administration degree from Regis prepared Jessica for careers in a variety of roles — from management and marketing to finance and human resources; however, she was drawn to understanding how education impacts others, so she went on to spend three years working as a victim advocate.

“I loved it because I could see myself doing really good work for victims in Colorado. But once everything was remote, I started focusing on digital marketing, because we still needed to get the word out that we were still accepting clients and working with clients and what our services were. So, then I went into digital marketing and really liked it."

On Returning Home Again

Jessica eventually found her way back to Regis as part of the Regis Admissions Marketing team. Now, she strives to help others get the same transformative educational experience that she had when she was a student.

“When I saw this position with Regis, I was so happy because my idea was, 'OK, my work is to connect people to an amazing education.' An education that I really loved and I advocate for, so that's how that realization — that switch — allowed me to go into marketing, knowing that I could still hold my values.”

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